Have you noticed that the price you pay for your insurance has been going up? It’s not just you; many people are experiencing the same thing. Insurance premiums (a fancy term for the amount you pay for your insurance) are increasing. But why is this happening? And what can you do to save some of your hard-earned money?
First, let’s talk about why insurance premiums are going up. There are several reasons for this:
- Natural Disasters: Many homeowners throughout the United States are seeing huge increases in the cost of homeowners insurance. Why? Because of the increased frequency and severity of natural disasters is one reason.
The increase in the number of claims and the amount of the claims makes insuring homes riskier for insurance companies, which in turn raises the premiums. And while you might not live in one of these states that are in the headlines, the losses affect everyone to some degree due to the fact that all insurance companies have reinsurance policies to help them through tough times. So regardless of where disaster strikes, a fair share of the claims are paid by reinsurance companies, which, in turn, pass along the increased cost of reinsurance to insurance companies throughout the United States.
- Inflation: You might have heard your parents or teachers talking about inflation. That’s when the price of stuff (like a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans) goes up over time. That is true with insurance as well. If a home is damaged or destroyed, it costs more now to repair or rebuild it than it did a few years ago. Insurance companies have to consider these increased costs when setting their premiums.
- More Expensive Cars and Homes: Newer cars and homes often come with high-tech features. While these features can make our lives easier, they can also be expensive to repair or replace, leading to higher insurance costs.
Now that we understand why premiums are rising, let’s talk about what you can do to try to lower your insurance costs:
- Raise Your Deductible: The deductible is the amount of money you agree to pay out of your own pocket before your insurance starts to pay. If you choose a higher deductible, your insurance premium may be lower. But remember, this means you’ll have to pay more if you need to make a claim.
- Try Telematics: Telematics is a system that allows insurance companies to track your driving habits. Using a telematics system could help lower your car insurance premium if you’re a safe driver.
- Ask About Discounts: Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like having multiple policies with them, being a good student, or having a safe driving record. Don’t be shy—ask if you’re eligible for any discounts!
- Maintain a Good Credit Score: Companies look at your credit score for many types of insurance. A higher score could lead to lower premiums. So, make sure to pay your bills on time and avoid too much debt.
Remember, insurance is there to protect you and your stuff. So, while it’s important to try and save money, it’s also important to make sure you have the coverage you need. It’s always a good idea to talk to an insurance professional if you have questions or need help understanding all this. Keep learning and keep saving!