You’ve been going back and forth about getting a home security system. Friends have them and say they’re great, but you’ve also heard they’re expensive to buy and maintain, plus some of the systems seem overly complicated.
So is a security system right for you and your family?
As with anything, there are certainly reasons not to get a home security system. Indeed, some options can be expensive, and if you don’t know the ins and outs of operation, using them to your advantage can be difficult.
Still, if you think about what you will be saving and protecting with a security system, the answer is clear: By nearly all measures, they’re worth it.
Top Reasons to Get a Home Security System
- You’ll be protecting your family.
There’s no better way to protect your family from harm than by installing a home security system. Although the price of installation may be a large investment for some families, no price tag can be put on the safety of your loved ones and peace of mind.
- Thieves will be deterred.
Homeowners often earn their investment in a home security system back many times over by deterring thieves, burglars, and vandals. Sometimes, all it takes is for a burglar to see the hardware of your security system or a sign stating that your home is protected.
- You can watch your home while you’re away
Keep tabs on your home while you’re at school or work. See who comes to your door, get a live video feed of various entrances, or see who’s prowling around when they shouldn’t be. Even if you need to leave your home for an extended period of time — for example, to go on vacation or a work trip — with most systems, you can monitor your home from your smartphone or most laptop and tablet devices.
- You may be eligible for home insurance discounts.
Finally, here’s an excellent reason to install home security: You very well may get a discount on your home insurance. Keep in mind this isn’t something that all insurance companies offer, but it’s certainly an option worth looking into.
What Type of System Should You Buy?
With tons of systems and options out there, it can be a challenge to choose the right home security system for you. Generally speaking, you need to go over two main options to start with:
Installation and Monitoring Methods
You’ll need to decide how you want your home security system installed and how you want to keep your home monitored.
In general, you can either have it installed by professionals, which usually means that a security company will be monitoring your home and keeping tabs on your security. Or you can install your own system, which usually means you’ll have fewer options and features, and if there is a breach of security, it will be on you to contact the police.
What Features Should You Include?
Of course, there are tons of other features to choose from. For example, you might decide to have a hardwired system (generally something offered by professionally installed security systems), or you may choose a Wi-Fi system that has few actual hardware parts.
You’ll want to consider what you want regarding video surveillance as well. Some systems don’t have video surveillance at all. If you choose a system that does have video options, however, you’ll need to choose whether or not past video should be stored somewhere; whether the cameras should monitor 24/7 or not; whether you want night vision, zoom options, or high resolution; and much more.
Wondering if the home security system you’re considering could get you discounts on home insurance? Contact Tagge Insurance today. We help homeowners from the surrounding areas find the best deals on home insurance and more. Call or stop in today.