You may already know that shopping for local car insurance means finding an agent, or contacting an insurance company directly. You assume these are just different means to the same end – but are they really? The differences between them can affect the coverage and service you receive as well as the price you pay. Continue reading to find out which path to coverage could be right for you.
It’s a Matter of Choice
A captive agent is an insurance agent that works for a single insurance company such as State Farm or Farmers. They are referred to as “captive” because they can only sell you coverage from the insurance company they represent. Because of this, they have fewer options to offer you with regards to coverage, limits, and prices.
An independent insurance agent, on the other hand, is someone who has relationships with multiple insurance companies and offer a more diverse selection of coverage. They help you shop and compare similar car insurance plans from different carriers, making it easy to find the coverage you need with fair and affordable premiums. They are able to give impartial advice, and answer any questions you may have about a particular company or policy.
Unbiased Advice and Help
You will be faced with numerous choices when shopping for insurance coverage. Some of these options you could probably make safely on your own, such as knowing how much of a deductible you can afford and whether you want to include comprehensive protection for your vehicle if it is damaged in a non-collision event. Others aren’t so cut and dry. For example, do you know how much of your saving, retirement, and future earnings could be at risk if you purchase inadequate bodily injury liability protection? Do you understand the difference between uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist protection?
An insurance agent can walk you through each of your coverage options, explaining which ones are mandatory, which ones are optional, and which ones are just plain necessary. An agent can respect your needs and concerns while still keeping you focused on what matters most – protecting you, your passengers, your vehicle, and your family’s financial future. Your agent can also help you understand how the choices you make could affect you personally in the future – something that cannot be said for insurance purchased through a website.
Let’s Talk
To avoid underinsuring yourself and open the doors to an entire market full of car insurance competitors, contact our office today to speak with a representative. We look forward to serving you soon.